Friday, September 25, 2009

October Exhibit

October Art Exhibit

Featuring the artwork of

Jessica Ostrander


A series of paintings that explores the diverse beauty of fashion, style and the feminine mystique.

Show runs from October 2nd through October 31st.


Jessica Ostrander creates in a wide range of styles. Traditionally trained as a muralist and fine artist, she studied art at ORU and CSUB. She has gained further artistic experience working with Mural Makers, a company who paints murals for Disney and Scarborough Designs, specializing in custom faux finishes and decorative painting.

She works in several styles and mediums, however, this current series of artwork is acrylic on stretched cotton canvas.

Jessica says that the reason she paints is because she enjoys expressing the creativity that God has placed inside of her. It gives her great joy to know that through her painting she can express her experiences and personal truths in every piece of artwork.

If you are interested in commissioning a custom or personalized work for your children, family members or friends, Jessica can be reached via email at